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NCERT Book Class 2 2. रिमझिम 15. एक्की - दोक्की for Session 2019-20

15. एक्की - दोक्की is a chapter in 2. रिमझिम Book of Class 2 which is issued by NCERT, These books are considered to be the best for preparing for competitive exam and having clear understanding of concept.
The 15. एक्की - दोक्की Chapter of the NCERT Class 2 2. रिमझिम book serves as a gateway to the rich and diverse world of mathematical exploration and inquiry. As students embark on their journey through this chapter in the academic session of 2019-20, they are greeted with a concepts, definations and knowledge that lie ahead.
Designed to provide a foundational understanding of key mathematical principles and techniques, the 15. एक्की - दोक्की Chapter sets the stage for the comprehensive study of Class 2 2. रिमझिम. It serves as a bridge between familiar concepts from lower grades and the more advanced topics covered in the subsequent chapters.
Within this chapter, students encounter a variety of essential themes and skills essential for success in their mathematical journey. From reviewing fundamental operations to exploring basic concept, the 15. एक्की - दोक्की Chapter lays the groundwork for the rigorous mathematical reasoning and problem-solving skills that students will develop throughout the course.

Chapter in Class 2 2. रिमझिम NCERT Book in hindi for Session 2019-20

Below is the list of other chapter in Class 2 2. रिमझिम of NCERT Books for session 2019-20

Chapter Name
1. ऊँट चला
2. भालू ने खेली फुटबाल
3. म्याऊँ, म्याऊँ!! : बिल्ली कैसे रहने आई मनुष्य के संग
4. अधिक बलवान कौन
5. दोस्त की मदद
6. बहुत हुआ: काले मेघा पानी दे: सावन का गीत
7. मेरी किताब
8. तितली और कली
9. बुलबुल
10. मीठी सारंगी
11. टेसू राजा बीच बाज़ार
12. बस के नीचे बाघ; तेंदुए की खबर; बाघ का बच्चा
13. सूरज जल्दी आना जी!
14. नटखट चूहा
15. एक्की - दोक्की